Will You Stand With God’s Chosen People?

Dear Friend,  

The deadly Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 was the single deadliest day in the modern history of the Jewish state.

More Jews were killed on that one day than at any time since the Holocaust…and that was just the start of the war.

But the truth is Israel’s war for survival didn’t start with that Hamas raid.

Israel has been fighting to survive since the day it declared independence in 1948.

But what is facing Israel now is the most severe threat ever….because Hamas is only the tip of the iceberg.

The fight against Israel is led and funded and orchestrated by Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran is Israel’s deadliest enemy.

When their leaders call for Israel to be “wiped off the map,” they are not speaking metaphorically…they mean it.

And Iran has an even larger terrorist army committed to the destruction of Israel. Iran has poured more than 400,000 missiles into Lebanon to its terrorist proxy Hezbollah in preparation for war.

Iran is poised for further strikes upon the nation of Israel because they are on the brink of developing nuclear weapons, and they don’t want Israel to be able to stop them.

And as hard as it is to believe, much of the world is blaming the problem on Israel.

A truly outrageous wave of anti-Semitism is sweeping the globe. Israel is being portrayed as a villain simply for trying to defend itself.

World bodies like the United Nations and the International Court of Justice are trying to tie Israel’s hands.

Even supposed allies like the United States are increasingly calling for Israel to stop defending itself so aggressively.

There are concerted efforts being made to force Israel to stand down, even as the threat they are facing increases.

The truth is that Israel has no one with whom they can negotiate for peace.

The only peace their enemies want is the peace of the grave…they want the Jewish people annihilated and the Jewish state destroyed.

They want to finish the job that Hitler started in the Holocaust.

It is heartbreaking and horrifying, and I have to tell you, it makes me very angry.

Children were killed…stripped, raped, and slaughtered…elderly people were dragged off into Gaza for one reason and one reason only…because they were Jews.

The evil hatred of anti-Semitism is more alive and a greater threat today than at any time since the Holocaust. 

SOMEONE has to take a stand. Someone has to say this is wrong and must stop. Someone has to tell — and show — the Jewish people that they are not alone.

Will you be that someone today?

I’m Mike Evans, head of the Jerusalem Prayer Team and founder and CEO of the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem. We are a global group of tens of millions of believers who stand with and for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. 

Our purpose is to fulfill the Bible command to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and to bless the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Every single day, we are doing all that we can to speak out in defense of Israel and help victims of terror and their families in their time of great crisis. 

We also feed thousands of impoverished elderly Jewish people in Israel daily…with many of them being survivors of the Holocaust.

I’ve dedicated my life to fighting against anti-Semitism. I even got nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for that work. 

My desire to do this started when I was unable to defend my Jewish mother from her husband, my own father. Even though he was a violent anti-Semite, he married a Jew…and then beat and abused her horribly.

I couldn’t protect her when I was a young child. But now, God has placed the calling on me to protect and bless the entire nation of Israel and Jewish people around the world. 

I am committed to doing everything we can to fight this great evil.

But we must also answer the command of God given thousands of years ago to the prophet Isaiah. “Comfort ye, comfort ye My people” (Isaiah 40:1). 

That’s why I need your help. 

None of the humanitarian outreach that we are doing to bless and protect God’s Chosen People is possible without the generous financial support of friends like you.

It’s not enough for us just to be outraged by the murder of innocent Jewish people. It’s not enough for us just to shake our heads in disbelief that such evil hatred still exists. It’s not enough for us to hope someone else will take up the cause.

It is up to you and me.

The truth is that most Jewish people do not believe that Christians love them. They have often been persecuted and even killed by those who claim to be following Jesus.

Today, we want to show the thousands of Jewish victims of terror and the nation of Israel that we are standing with them today in this, their greatest time of crisis since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948.

I am preparing a very special Star of David display that we will exhibit in the Holy City of Jerusalem at the Friends of Zion Museum as an expression of support. 

I’ve had a small rose created to represent your decision to stand with and bless Israel and the Jewish people and as an expression of love and encouragement for these victims of terror.

Here is what I’m asking you to do today.

Fill out the response section below, and we will include your rose in the special Star of David Memorial on display.

Make a generous donation for the Friends of Zion. This gift will be used to touch the lives of so many Jewish people across the nation of Israel with immediate and practical help. Right now, we are providing food and life-saving help to many in the south of Israel.

That’s why we have established the Friends of Zion Rapid Response Center that helps these precious Jewish people who have lost so much in these attacks rebuild their lives by providing shattered families with critical financial assistance, individual counseling, and ongoing support groups to help them overcome the emotional trauma they will face.

This is a major undertaking, but the need is so great, that we simply couldn’t wait. Your gift will be put to work immediately so that we can continue to respond to the ongoing crisis.

With a gift of any amount, we will send you the Psalm 121:7 Scripture tag necklace. On the front, it bears the promise that, “The Lord will keep you from all harm…He will watch over your life” as well as the inscription “Oct 7, 2023, Never Again,” while the back says the same thing in Hebrew.

If you can send a gift of $30 or more, we will send you a beautiful Friends of Zion olivewood pen. The olive tree is an important part of Israel’s history. This laser-engraved pen is a beautiful writing implement, but far more, it will be a constant prayer reminder as you use it throughout the day. You will also receive the Psalm 121:7 Scripture tag necklace.

If you are able to send a gift of $60 or more, you will receive the Bible Promise Box. You may remember someone in your family having one. This box is filled with small cards that contain God’s promises for your life that you can select and read each day. You will also receive the olivewood pen and the Psalm 121:7 Scripture tag necklace.

And if you are able to send a gift of $100 or more, we will send you an authentic ram’s horn shofar. Since ancient times, these trumpets have been used by the Jewish people for worship or for battle. You will be proud to display it in your home or office. You will also receive the Psalm 121:7 Scripture tag necklace, the olivewood pen, and the Bible Promise Box.

Will you comfort God’s Chosen People today? Will you be their hope? Will you be their defense? Will you be God’s hands and feet of love stretched out to them? I pray that your answer will be YES.

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,

Dr. Mike Evans

P.S. The Friends of Zion Center in Jerusalem is housing refugees, hosting special events for family members of victims and hostages, providing education for children and so much more…and it’s all because friends like you make it possible.

Please stop right now and ask God what He would have you do…and please let me hear from you right away.

Will You Stand With God’s Chosen People?

YES, Dr. Evans, I have heard God’s voice, and I am obeying His call to defend and comfort His Chosen People. My special gift for the Jerusalem Prayer Team is:

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As you give to defend and comfort God’s Chosen People, we will place a rose in your honor in the special Star of David display in the Holy City of Jerusalem at the Friends of Zion Museum.

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